Integrated Development of Nouhao Valley - Tenkodogo - Province Boulgou -Burkina Faso

Country: Burkina Faso

Overall Objectif


Sustainable territorial developpment of Nouhao Valley


Main duties:


  • Mentoring and guide national Project Director (Agent of Ministry of Agriculture) to administer and manage the Project; the allocation of financial resources.
  • Establish natural resource management plan in order to secure land for the use of rural communities.
  • Leading, training and transfer of skills to local staff for the implementation of activities at village level (livestock; agro-forestry; community forestry, micro-projects).
  • Organising and strengthening of community-based structures to foster the management of natural resources, the sustainability of micro-projects and community forestry activities.
  • Report to local office of the Italian Cooperation Department on Project developments.


Project Funded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Cooperation Department